Supply Chain
på riktigt

Ta kontroll över hela din supply chain. Med oss får du en engagerad partner med lång erfarenhet av integration, försörjningskedjor och logistikprocesser. Men vi stannar aldrig vid analys och rapporter. Du får också starka resultat i praktiken. Vi kallar det Supply Chain på riktigt.

Upptäck Meridion du med.

Deepened collaboration between Meridion and PipeChain for faster digitalization of Supply Chains

Meridion and PipeChain have been working extensively on digital supply chains, actively contributing to the development of standard processes in collaboration with Odette. Coming from the automotive industry, both organizations have EDI and digital supply chains ingrained in their DNA.

A critical success factor in the digitalization of supply chains is the combination of both process and technology knowledge, along with mutual understanding among the parties involved. Meridion’s core competency lies in Infor M3 and its integration platform ION. PipeChain’s success is built on extensive knowledge and applications for message conversion, along with a vast communication network, currently connecting more than 22,000 partners.

The combination of Meridion’s and PipeChain’s expertise minimizes costs and maximizes the digitalization of Supply Chains.

As more concepts beyond pure EDI solutions emerge, the blend of PipeChain’s integration network, cloud platform, and logistics solutions becomes crucial for Meridion’s customer base.

Therefore, Meridion and PipeChain have strengthened their collaboration through a long-term partnership agreement, incorporating an advanced technical and conceptual framework ready to be implemented if you aim to elevate your supply chain digitalization.

Is your business in need of increased digitalization and automation?


Lars Nyström, Meridion

Daniel Tolergård, PipeChain


Project Completion together with Plasman