Supply Chain
på riktigt

Ta kontroll över hela din supply chain. Med oss får du en engagerad partner med lång erfarenhet av integration, försörjningskedjor och logistikprocesser. Men vi stannar aldrig vid analys och rapporter. Du får också starka resultat i praktiken. Vi kallar det Supply Chain på riktigt.

Upptäck Meridion du med.

Infor M3


Meridion is highly experienced in working with the cloud-based business system Infor M3 and our expertise in the system is broad and well-renowned. We can help you with M3 configuration, project management, technical consultation, development of customer adaptations and integrations to other systems.

Meridion is an Infor Channel Partner and we work with cloud-based projects as well as on-premise installations. Since M3 is a comprehensive business system that is growing rapidly, our consultants keep well updated on the latest functions within the system.

Do you need a new installation, upgrade or roll out of M3?

When you choose Meridion as your partner, you’ll get the gathered experience from more than 200 business system implementation projects. We give you the tools and knowledge for a successful new installation, M3 upgrade or roll-out of your M3-solution to new markets. Regardless if you need a system supplier or a recipient of the customer organization in projects, we always work on your side to deliver real results.


M3 Areas we support:

Financial Accounting & Controlling
Sales Management
Project Management
Supply Chain Planning & Execution
Warehouse Management
Manufacturing Execution
Maintenance Management
Product Data Management
Application Foundation

Infor tech we support:

Integration, MeC
Infor OS Portal
M3 Experience Designer
ION, Workflows, Eventhub
Infor OS Extensibility
Workspaces, Homepages, Personalizations, scripting
Reports & Documents IDM
Cloud file transfer (CFT)
Factory Track (Mobility & Scanning solution)
Smart Office and H5
Java & RPG development

We offer:

  • Project Management
  • Evaluation of business systems
  • Sales & Operations planning and forecasting processes to mitigate uncertain planning
  • JIT concept, such as reactive and proactive sequencing
  • Third Party Logistics
  • Lean Production in combination with business systems
  • Production optimization with OEE/TAK
  • The global logistics assessment MMOG/LE from Odette
  • Analysis of Forecast Quality with the FAI application
  • Specific M3 configurations, e.g., automatic collection of exchange rates

Did you know?

Meridion has experience from more than 200 implementation projects of the business system Movex/M3.


Project Completion together with Plasman