Supply Chain
på riktigt

Ta kontroll över hela din supply chain. Med oss får du en engagerad partner med lång erfarenhet av integration, försörjningskedjor och logistikprocesser. Men vi stannar aldrig vid analys och rapporter. Du får också starka resultat i praktiken. Vi kallar det Supply Chain på riktigt.

Upptäck Meridion du med.

Meridion Visualization Concept


Reality is rarely represented appropriately by viewing numbers and tables only. We’ve developed two solutions to help you visualize and understand your data.

Meridion’s visualization concept enables companies to find improvement areas in their warehouse management processes. Instead of just presenting data in tables and traditional graphs, we have created 2D and 3D visualizations based on real business data. Please watch the video below for a short demonstration!


The first solution is fully integrated into Qlik Sense and provides an intuitive analysis directly in the browser. Using extensions, the solution works just like a regular Qlik application providing immediate access to valuablie insights about your warehouse management.

Diving deeper, the next step is to enter the 3D environment – either as a computer application or with a VR headset. Below is a screenshot from the application running on a normal laptop. However, it is even more realistic using the VR headset, HTC Vive. If you are interested, let us know and we’ll book a demo!


Do you want to simplify and streamline your business? Contact us and we’ll tell you more.

Meridion Visualization Concept at main stage QONNECTIONS 2019


Celebrating 20 years of success and collaboration

Project Completion together with Plasman