Supply Chain
på riktigt

Ta kontroll över hela din supply chain. Med oss får du en engagerad partner med lång erfarenhet av integration, försörjningskedjor och logistikprocesser. Men vi stannar aldrig vid analys och rapporter. Du får också starka resultat i praktiken. Vi kallar det Supply Chain på riktigt.

Upptäck Meridion du med.

Project Completion together with Plasman

From green-screen to the cloud – Plasman has finally made the leap to the Cloud.

Last week, the majority of the project team gathered at Meridion’s office in Gothenburg. We started the afternoon with a project review, reflecting on the past year before turning our focus to the future.

It’s impressive to have, in record time, lifted out an ERP solution from the 1990s, with various attached applications, and replaced it with a Composable Cloud.

There is a sense of pride in what we have accomplished and a desire to do even more and even better.

We look forward to continuing our collaboration with Plasman!


Celebrating 20 years of success and collaboration

Project Completion together with Plasman