Meridion M3 Analysis

Optimize your business processes for maximum efficiency

In an extensive study conducted by Chalmers and Meridion, we have examined Swedish companies’ knowledge and use of planning parameters in their ERP systems. The results show that many companies lack a well-thought-out strategy and often neglect to update their foundational data as it deserves. It’s time to take control of your business systems and maximize your resources with the help of Infor M3.

In-Depth Analysis with Infor M3
With our expertise in ERP, system analysis, and software, Meridion is well-equipped to analyze and visualize data from your supply chain at global, tactical, and operational levels. We quickly identify where risks and opportunities for profit exist in your value chain. By comparing your performance with other companies in the industry, we offer concrete, data driven insights that can revolutionize the way you work.

Cloud Solutions: Enhancing Flexibility and Efficiency
Our CloudSuite technology provides you access to the latest cloud solutions, ensuring that you always have access to updated and relevant information. This enables faster decision-making and more efficient management of your business systems.

Expected Benefits of an Optimized Infor M3 Solution:

  • Reduced Tied-Up Material: Free up capital and resources through more efficient material handling.
  • Lower Planning Costs: Reduce your costs with improved planning processes and fewer manual interventions.
  • Increased Revenue: Maximize your sales opportunities through more effective operational control and supply chain optimization.
  • Updated Foundational Data: Gain a deeper understanding of your processes and improve your supply chain with continually current data.

Choose Meridion to ensure that you not only stay competitive but also lead the development in your industry with the most advanced tools in ERP and cloud solutions. Together, we can transform your operational processes and achieve exceptional results. Let us show you how an updated strategy for your business systems can work wonders for your operations.

Discover Meridion M3 Analysis

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Lars Nyström image
Lars Nyström
Sales Manager