Supply Chain
på riktigt

Ta kontroll över hela din supply chain. Med oss får du en engagerad partner med lång erfarenhet av integration, försörjningskedjor och logistikprocesser. Men vi stannar aldrig vid analys och rapporter. Du får också starka resultat i praktiken. Vi kallar det Supply Chain på riktigt.

Upptäck Meridion du med.

Take control of freight management in M3

An integrated shipping process provides increased control and cost savings.

Meridion has developed a solution for M3-customers in logistics that need a more efficient freight booking process and increased control of their freight purchases. The solution is based on the new M3 module Freight Cost Management and standardized Mashup technology in M3. This has been integrated into Unifaun's market-leading service for Delivery Management.

Integrated shipping process

Booking and follow-up of shipping is handled based on a mashup view in M3. From there you can automatically book transports and print shipping documents through the integration to Unifaun.

With the built-in integration to Unifaun's Delivery Management service, you get access to all the modes of transport you use, regardless of who the carrier is. So the solution gives you direct access to all your carriers and the opportunity to automate your freight bookings directly from M3 without unnecessary manual double work between the business system and the carriers’ booking services.

The solution creates separate purchase orders for freight in M3 with a reference to the customer delivery. This allows you to easily match the freight invoice against the correct freight purchase. You also get full control over how, based on the shipping purchase price, you should calculate any shipping surcharges to the customer.

A collaboration between Meridion AB and Unifaun AB.


Do you want to simplify and streamline your business?

Contact us and we’ll tell you more.

The benefits

  • Match freight purchases against a separate and automatically created purchase order for freight
  • Correct markup & customer prices
  • Follow up on shipping orders
  • Fast ROI

Our offer

Meridion grundades 2005 och är ett oberoende konsultbolag som utvecklar och realiserar effektiva försörjningskedjor och logistikprocesser. Vi har mångårig och gedigen erfarenhet av verksamhets-utveckling och affärssystem, särskilt inom Infor M3.


Celebrating 20 years of success and collaboration

Project Completion together with Plasman