Purchase calculation

It is not common to set up a purchase calculation model that captures all the costs and even fewer have linked this to accounting control for follow-up and analysis.


Meridion will show that it is not hard to follow up on indirect costs and reduce uncertainty.

We will help you in the process of developing a working method that provides accurate follow-up and an opportunity for continuous improvement.

Together we bring forward a calculation model and distribution keys for the correct allocation of costs. The next step is to connect this to the accounting control so every goods reception book is correct and we get the basis for improvements. In the third step we help you with the follow-up of real costs against pre-booked costs to update your distribution keys.


Do you want to simplify and streamline your business?

Contact us and we’ll tell you more.

The benefits

  • Reduce uncertainty by gaining control over indirect costs
  • Customer service sees real margin when registering orders
  • The marketing department gets better information on pricing and campaigns
  • All departments work with the same numbers


Celebrating 20 years of success and collaboration

Project Completion together with Plasman