Ta kontroll över hela din supply chain.
Med oss får du en engagerad partner med lång erfarenhet av integration, försörjningskedjor och logistikprocesser. Men vi stannar aldrig vid analys och rapporter. Du får också starka resultat i praktiken. Vi kallar det Supply Chain på riktigt.
Upptäck Meridion du med.
Get started with
M3 Workflows!
Meridion works with visualizing and simplifying processes to streamline your work processes. Infor M3’s workflow is an excellent example of how new features in M3 support this ambition. Infor workflow means that you create a process flow where different tasks are forwarded between people in the organization. Processes that go through different departments in the company can therefore be streamlined and more effective.
The workflow is configured in the ION desk and creates a clear picture of the entire process and what different paths it can take. The user gets the opportunity to see where in the process they are, who did what and when it happened. By using APIs from M3, the company’s processes can be streamlined. In addition, information and tasks can automatically go to the right person within the company. Reminders can be added for tasks that are not completed on time and can also be escalated to other people in the organization.
Automated and fast feedback leads to streamlining of processes and reduced processing.
Meridion grundades 2005 och är ett oberoende konsultbolag som utvecklar och realiserar effektiva försörjningskedjor och logistikprocesser. Vi har mångårig och gedigen erfarenhet av verksamhets-utveckling och affärssystem, särskilt inom Infor M3.